Airiayanna Sullivan- Commissions

Hello,  I'm Airiayana Sullivan and I will be writing about the County Commissions.

FSU Quidditch Club

                                                          Wizards and Witches

Tallahassee- Come one witch, one all wizards, the Florida State University Quidditch Club lives through the popular sport played in the Harry Potter Novel by J.K.Rowling.
The club practices three times a week and competes against other schools in the south region. Schools like Harvard and The University of Florida both have Quidditch teams.
Not only do they fly around on brooms but it’s also the hardest part of the game.
“Having the broom between your legs is the hardest part but it’s also the funniest. The broom has to stay in-between your legs at al times.” Says Elise Hall who plays the chaser positions. If a player drops their broom they have to tag the three-ring goal post in order to get back in the game.
Along with the dynamic athleticism there are four different positions in quidditch; the chaser, the beater, the keeper, and the snitch. The chasers job is to score with the quaffle ball. It’s a round deflated volleyball. There’s three hoop shaped rings used as goal post. The chaser has to get the quaffle ball through one of the rings to score.
“What I like most about Quidditch is the scoring. The Chaser does most of the scoring.” Says Hall.

 The beaters job is to stop the chasers from scoring; they use the blunger ball to stop any chasers from scoring. The keeper is the goalie; they are positioned in front of the goals. Last but not least, there is the snitch, the most important player on the team. The snitch is worth thirty points and can basically determine a win on the spot. The snitch is like the mascot cheering on the sidelines. The game isn’t complete until the snitch is caught. There’s a tennis ball tied in a tube sock that is attached to belt. The capture of the snitch is worth thirty points.

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