Chelse Collins- Fire & Safety

I am Chelse Collins, a broadcast journalism student at Florida A&M University. I will post articles and updates on fire and safety in  Leon County.

                   Citizens gear up for a hands-on fire-fighter experience. 

Video Transcription- Week five of the Tallahassee Citizens Fire Academy began with students gearing up with oxygen tanks and mask. The seven-week course is held twice a year, and is open to any Leon County resident over the age of eighteen. The class is held once a week. But space is limited to 30 participants to assure every individual gets a hand on experience.

 Lou Bender /  citizens fire academy student 

Oh we are going to do all kinds of things. Last week we repelled out of the fifth floor, we cut people out of a car with the Jaws of Life. This week we are going through a little fire area.”

From a brief history lesson to live fire training, the program in designed to give people an up close and personal feel of being a fire fighter.

Jay Jagatheesan /  citizens fire academy student  

“The most important thing I learned is how passionate they are and what risky things they do. I don’t know if people realize what risky thing they do here. We live inside closed offices, these people work twenty-four hour shifts and rescue people the things we do is nothing compared to the things they do here.”

From inside the classroom to running inside a burning building students of the citizen fire academy is finding out exactly what it takes to be a firefighter. 

Lou Bender  

“It was the demonstration of putting the tanks on and how to breathe in a burning building. You can’t see in there with the smoke. You are looking for the body, so I am putting my left leg out to see if I found the body and finally before I came out I touched the body,”

Finding weighted dummies was just the beginning. Students also got the chance to use a water hose to extinguish a burning car. Aside from fire safety and awareness the programs gives firefighters a chance to interact with the public

Allen Willis/ Lieutenant  

“It’s a contribution to the community to let them know what we do is important what work goes into it and how we can better the community.”

IN Tallahassee, Chelse Collins, F-N-N ON FAMU-TV, PART OF THE FAMU NEWS NETWORK.



         Citizens Receive Fire-Fighter Training

December 4, 2013 

Tallahassee, FL- Students at the Tallahassee Citizens Fire Academy are learning what it takes to be a fire fighter. Tallahassee public information officer Mike Bellamy said the fire department aims to make the program  as realistic as possible.

“They get to go into a smoke up and crawl through. That simulates crawling through a building when it’s on fire. They will go through our training tower, which is five stories and rebel from it. And they will get to cut up a car and do what we call vehicle execration,” said Bellamy.

Bellamy said the program first began in the 80’s. Back then the course was held once a year and lasted three weeks. Since then the program has expanded. Now the Citizens Academy is held twice a year, and requires a seven-weeks commitment. However, class size is limited to 30 students; to make sure students get a hands-on experience.

Lieutenant Allen Willis said the fire academy also allows fire fighters to interact with the community.

“It’s a contribution to the community to let them know what we do is important what work goes into it and how we can better the community,” Willis said.

Some students say over the past few weeks they have learned being a fire fighter takes a lot of courage.

“The most important thing I learned is how passionate they are and what risky things they do. I don’t know if people realize what risky things they do here. We live inside closed offices, these people work twenty-four hour shifts and rescue people, the things we do is nothing compared to the things they do here,” said Jay Jagatheesan a student at the Citizens Fire Academy.

The program is free of charge and open to Tallahassee residents over the age of 18. A criminal background check is mandatory for anyone who participates. For more information on enrolling in the next Citizens Fire Academy contact Mike Bellamy at 850-606-6625.

                                       Fire academy instructor shows students how to put on oxygen tanks.
                                       Fire academy students gear up in fire-fighter uniforms .
                                        A vehicle in flames, designed for students to extinguish.

                                       Students extinguishing a fire.

Hear what one Citizens Fire Academy Student has to say about her experience inside the steam tower.

Hear what one Citizens Fire Academy student has to say about her experience inside the steam tower.

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                                          Outside the Florida Department of Revenue

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